Most people know that the raw materials that we use for our jewelry are ecologically and fairly mined and traded. One of our most important sources is eco-fair gold from the far north in Finnish Lapland. It is washed out of the numerous rivers there and is therefore also known as wash gold.
We have recently received our certificate, which confirms that we are an official partner of the brand name Gold from Finnish Lapland and, of course, guarantee that we really do process the gold in question under this name in our Signum manufactory to create the pieces of jewelry that you, the customer, will ultimately hold in your hands.
The organization Team Deadwood is on site in the gold panning village of Tankavaara. Sustainable gold production has been carried out here for around 150 years. Team Deadwood is a member of the Green Gold Lapland Project, which certifies and brands the gold produced according to the principles of sustainable development. Green Gold Lapland Project is the cooperation network for the production, distribution and sale of gold produced in Lapland.
As it is very important to us to check the origin of our raw materials ourselves as far as possible, we traveled to Finland in the summer of 2018 to visit Tankavaara and learn more about sustainable wash gold. In addition to its unique gold deposits, Lapland is also a great scenic experience and well worth a visit. Here you can find some visual impressions on our blog.
Certification of eco-fair wash gold
The certification guarantees that the gold is produced ethically and ecologically in Finnish Lapland. The quantities of gold are certified and remain identified until the jewelry is manufactured. The certified prospector undertakes to comply with the mining and environmental laws as well as the orders and instructions issued by the controlling authorities. He also strives to follow the mining guidelines of the Gold Prospectors Association in Finnish Lapland and to develop gold mining in a more environmentally friendly way.
(Image rights: www.teamdeadwood.fi)