Wearing an engagement or wedding ring on your hand every day is truly a sign of a deep bond and love for one another. This makes it all the more important to take good care of these valuable pieces of jewelry. This also includes taking them off at certain times to avoid wear and tear, damage or even loss!
Situations in which you should remove your rings or take a certain amount of care to keep them shining and sparkling for as long as possible!
- on the beach and in the swimming pool
- during sporting activities
- when cleaning and working with heavy machinery
- when traveling

Important tips for handling your wedding or engagement rings on the beach
A relaxing day at the beach? No problem with these tips for your rings.
Sand, sunscreen and salt water
Precious metals such as gold and palladium are relatively resistant to corrosion; seawater, chlorine, sun cream and sweat are generally not harmful to your jewelry. However, this is not the case with non-rhodium-plated silver, which can oxidize and therefore turn black.
In particular, we do not recommend wearing rings with one or more stones set into them, such as engagement rings, on the beach. Small grains of sand can get stuck in the socket. Pearl jewelry should also be left at home, as cultured pearls are very susceptible to salt, chlorine and cosmetics.
Watch out: When swimming, you run the risk of losing your ring, especially in swell! Especially if your wedding or engagement ring is not very tight, we recommend taking your rings off before going to the beach. This often depends on the individual hand and finger shape.
Take the test!
This is very simple: if the ring slips over your ankle without pulling or twisting it, then it is relatively loose and should be taken off for swimming, even in the pool or whirlpool. If you have to twist and pull a little to slide the ring over your ankle, you’re safe.
Wedding rings and engagement rings during sport: what works, what doesn't?

In principle, the engagement ring with a stone is somewhat more delicate than the wedding ring. For sports without equipment, such as jogging, dancing, gymnastics and yoga, you can leave the rings on without hesitation. For other sports such as ball sports, apparatus gymnastics and weightlifting in the gym, it is better to take off the rings. In all contact sports such as karate, engagement and wedding rings must always be taken off, because you can get caught and blows and falls can lead to painful bruises! You should also leave your rings at home when climbing.
Take care when cleaning and working with heavy machinery
When working in factories, during agricultural activities or wherever heavy machinery is operated and a small object can get caught in the machinery and cause damage, the wedding ring and engagement ring should always be removed. Wearing rings is also prohibited when working as a chef.
The rings do not need to be removed for everyday cleaning work without aggressive cleaning agents. However, if stronger cleaning agents are used, the rings should definitely be removed or at least cleaning gloves should be put on over them.
Traveling: Where is it not advisable to wear a wedding or engagement ring?
If you are traveling, there may be situations where it is better to leave your rings and other eye-catching jewelry at home. This is the case in places where security is not guaranteed and crime is rather high, e.g. in some third world countries. It’s best to find out about your travel destination in advance and reassess the situation on site – common sense is required here! In Colombia, for example, there is the expression: “No dar Papaya”, which means “Don’t draw unnecessary attention to yourself, take care of yourself and your valuables”.

Stylish and practical: our jewelry pochettli for storage

If you want to take off your wedding ring and engagement ring, we have the perfect solution for you: our jewelry pouches in a fine suede look are available in different sizes so that your rings and pieces of jewelry can be stored safely. You will soon be able to buy them online via our webshop!